Monday, January 10, 2011

Engineering; Euphoria personified....

                                             Mechanical and Production Engineering block @ NIT-B
                                               (Pic courtesy - Face Book! can't recall the person )

Scene 1 -

Today the first day of a new semester, dooms day for many but considering my GPA (silly 7 point something) last term I was all motivated to go to the college and  I made it at 9:55 A.M. sharp (45 minutes late but Common! Thats still an achievement for a lazy ass like me.) met a friend as tardy as me and we rushed towards the DOPE (Department of Production Engineering , cool Acronym na!) notice board to look at the schedule and subject coordinators. To our amusement, we had a subject with the name Electrical and Electronic devices blah blah... whatever? who cares anyway?

"EAED.. err.. that sounds so weird" My friend said.

He have always had this awe-wait for it-some addiction of substituting subjects names by its initials (KOM,MOM,SOM,BMC (no I ain't abusing! It stood for basic materials classes), MPro etcetera etcetera...).

"We will call it BEE then" Yours truely suggested.

"But we have already studied BEE last year plus this shit isin't elementary anymore"

"Okay! We will call it fucking Advanced BEE! Period" and a roar of a known long forgotten laughter filled our mech department marking the beginning of much awaited Bakar sessions! :)

Scene 2 -

My sister visited home in the evening. So,sis and maa started with the customary family talks in my room. (why do they have to opt for my room killing my privacy) "Shweta Tiwari was looking so cool in that banarasi sari in the Big Boss finale!" and it naturally went on and on !
Predicting no chances of the affectionate words stopping in the near future I interrupted them both "Can  you Please, continue with your elated talks in some other room. I wanna study!" Mom gave me a slightest of smile and that smile said it all. It was much more mighty than words can ever be.
My Sis, being the cute dumbo she is dissipated its meaning for me, "Make some valid excuses bhai!" She blurted and we three burst into laughter.

It is moments like these that make me fall in love with the day I decided to choose being an engineer!

p.s. - Maybe this post lacks the humor quotient but I am just ecstatic that the Happy days are back again! and can't help showing it.

p.s.1 - Thanks Aki for suggesting the name of the post! :)

p.s. 2 - still reading ? :p

song of the day - Emptiness.. Tune Meri jaana! You got to listen this song! At least once!

Humor of the day - 

Signing off!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

ISTE Sucks Totally Everytime !

Disclaimer - Needs to be taken in a light tone, No Personal Grudges! May Peace prevail :)

Backdrop - ISTE is one of the societies at NIT-B and its fucked up like all the others.
ISTE Sucks Totally Everytime !

That day I happened to come across a friend from ISTE (errrrr do they qualify to be called as friends even....)

ME... so, what is  ISTE shit all about ?

He... Well, ISTE is a national level society.... (5 seconds of awkward silence, I was hoping for more to come from the nerd. Well nothing of that sort happened )

Me... What do u people do ?

He... We meet !!! Discuss agendas !!! We r forced to take the crap Seniors give us and then we disperse, only to meet the next day !!! These meetings have been going on and on and on for the last year and half I joined ! !
anyways I gotta reach for a meeting at CC OAT... I don't wanna be subjected to those cold looks from the Presi 4 reaching late and interrupting him as if he was delivering his noble prize speech.
cya ! !

I was speechless!
He had left nothing for me to decipher.

p.s. - if u think am biased,
Fuck u, u r either a ISTE Gissu or an Ignorant first yearite.... :P

p.p.s - About Spic Macay, We people are perfect (yup! In that fucked up way) ;)

Song of the day - HYPNOTIZE, System of a Down!

humor of the day -

Signing off!
- Mani

Thursday, January 6, 2011

All Over Again!

Fortune favors the faithful,
love listens to the lonely,
time tracks the truthful,
silence shines for the soulful..

the lives once so intersecting,
then fallen so apart,
appeared for the revival,
and moved on as a dart..!!

the faith began to justify its meaning,
as cloud 9 soon tried to regain its feeling,
getting you first was something lucky,
getting you second was something luckier..!!

honest by love,
true by soul,
the attributes being such that
conflicts had no role..!!

weeks in , weeks out,
the destiny intended to flout,
so tenacious was I,
ready to defy the norms,
ready to axe the transforms..!!

my bastion was strong enough I thought,
as with all the quakes I had fought,
after all the efforts to prevent the sway,
but the inevitable fissures had their way..!!

what a game the life can play,
can't beat the odds, enfeebled as clay,

If being happy at such times is all he can desire,
then let me cherish the life, the quagmire.

surely the break-up try to break you to pieces,
but it also intends to move you back to creases,
so that you can know life,
because it ain't fun,
until played with knife..!! :)

p.s. - Thanks Ashi Bhai for the guest post... :)
Am in love with your words...

p.p.s. - Happy New Year Buddies !
Wish u all fantastic,fun filled n love dipped 2011.